Hollywood Sundaris campaign against sexual harassment

Online Blog: More than 300 Hollywood actresses, writers and directors have been campaigning against the sexual harassment of women in film theaters and other workplaces. The campaign titled 'Times Up' has been named. Last week the United States's most powerful media New York Times announced the initiative through a full-page advertisement. News BBC
All Sunderians have called for the change of women in the entertainment world, all women in the workplace.
Popular Hollywood celebrities have announced a 15 million dollar campaign package. Among them are hundreds of stars including popular actress Emma Watson, Nathali Portman and Emma Stone. Not only that, the organization has been able to raise $ 13 million in a week's time.
This money collected will be provided in legal work on both the women and the victims of sexual harassment in the workplace. Initially, the meaning of this project will be spent for those who are dependent. Such as peasants, workers, caretakers and waiters.
Time magazine has named America's dominant English magazine Time magazine as the best person of the year by recognizing the courage of those who openly openly open their silence over sexual harassment and persecution in December last year.
In the past year, the worldwide protest against the sexual assault has been the rise of hash tag mei. Through this movement, both men and women were motivated to share stories of sexual harassment worldwide.
American actress Aliza Milano started her career. That is the response to the whole world. Hollywood movie Mughal, Harvey Wynstein's sexual scandal, was in response to the leaks, his initiative.
In the last October and December last year, this hashtag was used on social media Twitter and Facebook over 6 million times.

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