Mozilla Firefox announced the closure of advertising on Facebook: Mozilla Firefox

Tech Blog: Mozilla Tumul, the world's leading internet browser, has announced the closure of the popular social media on Facebook. The decision has been taken by Mozilla recently on the Facebook infiltration scandal.
Although Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg expressed his sorrow over the information about Beath. However, Mozilla, who is protecting the privacy of her personal and personal information, has decided that she does not want to face the incident again.
The Guardian reported that, after the announcement of Mozilla, the Facebook authorities will not be able to keep their users secret or secure important information, but they do not pay any money for advertising. In order to protect users' information, they also advised the creator to limit the information storage capacity.
Earlier, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg expressed sorrow over the information about Behat, saying, "If we can not protect the information of the customers, we have no right to serve them. As a founder of Facebook, I am responsible for everything here.
But Mozilla's chief trade and law officer Danele Dixon said, "The number of users on Facebook is so high that they could not take their pressure due to bad events like leaks. They must make fast and strict protection forces. If not, we will refrain from giving them advertisements immediately. '
Dixon also said, "We liked the issue of Mark's sorrow. His commitment to raising information security has inspired us. If we are committed to protect users' information, we will start advertising on Facebook again if we are committed to do so.
Note that, without consulting the users of Facebook, hundreds of millions of customer information was used for their commercial needs, a political consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica (CA). They use 50 million customers for commercial purposes. In this incident, the boganic slogan started. Later, however, on Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg promised a significant change in the app for user information. He said, 'Our responsibility is to protect your information. We can not do this if we can not afford this service. '

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